Saturday, July 12, 2014


So as of now, Warlords of Draenor is set to release on December 20th 2014. While I know this date could be pushed out further, I AM SO PUMPED!!  I'm sure I will be taking off time from work for a "holiday" (i.e. level grinding until my eyes bleed).  They are making so many changes to the game: some I am so excited for, and some I am very hesitant about.

1. YOU CAN BREED PETS. As someone who spends an embarrassing amount of time playing Pokemon, the idea of epic battle pets is beyond exciting.  I may pee my pants when I get my first one.

2. New Character Models. WHAT? I might actually be tempted to make a human female - if she no long runs like a complete tool.  Seriously though, awesome job Blizzard, because they all look amazing.

3. Quest Items are No Longer Stored in Bags. Score!  More room for when I spend hours farming so I can make 200 gold ......

 4. Heirlooms Now Get Their Own Page (Like Mounts Do). Awesome, I no longer have to keep mailing gear back and forth.  Too bad I now have multiple copies of certain gear items :\

5. Garrisons Allow for Off-line Farming. Interesting. I'm not sure what types of resources will be gathered.  Is it only resources that help build the garrison? If so AWESOME.  But what about resources for leveling professions?  Yes, that makes it more convenient for leveling your own profession, but also would affect the realm market on the AH.  Currently you can use your MoP farm to get resources for professions, and yes it helps (I use it for Trillium), but you don't get enough to make any serious money off of it.  So this is something I'm on the fence about. We'll see how it plays out.

 6. Number Squish. Basically, Blizzard is scaling all the numbers in the game down.  This is something I am OK with.  From my understanding, it shouldn't affect anything in terms of game play.  It will be a bit confusing in the beginning as we will have to rethink what "big" numbers are in terms of stats, but I think the numbers will make more concrete sense once they become the norm.  After all 200, is a much easier number to wrap your mind around than 200,000.  Though seeing a lowly 200 pop up for a crit will be a let down at first.

 7. No New Classes or Races. Aw, sad face.  I need more healers than the five I already have.  MORE HOTS!  Honestly while I love new classes and races there is still more than enough content in the game to occupy my time.

 8. Gear Stats will Change Depending on Your Spec. When I first heard about this I was pissed. But given time to think about it, this seems pretty productive from a raiding point of view.  It means that now all plate wearers will essentially use the same gear, all mail wearers have the same mail, etc.  The stats on the gear will change depending on what specialization you are.  In a raid situation, it means that less gear will be wasted.  It also means you no longer need two sets of gear for an off-class (Huzzah for more bag space).  This is going to make playing your off-spec much easier, but I also anticipate many LFR wipes caused by people with gear playing specializations that they don't understand (and I'm including myself in this category).

9. No Reforging. As a holy pally I have never had to worry about hit caps and parry and block and all the other BS that tanks and DPS had to worry about.  I didn't even have soft caps like druids so reforging for me has always been a pretty easy, painless procedure.  I will be sad to see it go, though. With all the new changes to to stats I suppose it makes sense.  Most of the stats we currently reforge are being dropped from the game entirely.  Of course I also thought the idea of reforging seemed a bit like cheating in the first place.

10. No more Hit, Expertise, Dodge, and Parry. WHA?!  This doesn't affect me directly so I'm not super passionate about it but it definitely changes the game play.  At first glace it seems to simplify the game which is a double edge sword.  I do, however, think that given enough time we will all become used to it and it won't be such a big deal.  Prepare yourself for all the veterans ranting about casuals and how hard things used to be though.  Something to note - these stats are being removed from the gear. So actually, dodge will still be a stat for tanks and what not but will no longer be a stat on gear ..... it's weird and confusing.

11. Change to Racials.  Honestly, I'm not going to go over the whole list. Check out the video below instead. But it seems to me that humans still have the upper hand especially in a PvP situation.  Even though I'm on the Alliance, this has always bugged me a bit.  Other than that, most of the changes seemed balanced and made sense when considering all the other changes being made.

12. "Stacking the Deck" Buff. This is a buff you get for entering a dungeon in a pre-made group that will help give bonus valor.  AW YISSSS!  This will make weekly capping easier. And I'm of fan of anything that encourages people to make friends.

13. More Things To Do While Leveling. For most of us, leveling a character is the most boring aspect of the game. We just want to get to the end and get gear.  Blizzard is trying to make the leveling more enjoyable by adding in more events and wandering bosses and other content of that sort.  I think this is a great idea, but I'm not getting too excited until I see how it pans out. I'm a bit worried it will just be recycled material from MoP, which did make questing much more enjoyable.  If this does work out how it's supposed to though, it's a win-win, and will make leveling more fun for everyone.  To credit Blizzard, the notes all make it seem as though they have put a lot of thought into changing how people level.

14. Fewer Daily Quests. Thank God.  There were times when I would do my dailies at night - I mean late night, like really just the morning - and one time I can remember, as I was turning in my golden lotus dailies, ALL the exclamation marks popped up again.  The dailies had reset.  I wanted to cry.  For those of you who hate dailies, join me in rejoicing! The new expansion promises much fewer or no dailies.

15. The New Zones. So far, all the artwork for the new zones has been very appealing to me.  Despite playing for the Alliance, I am most intrigued by the tribal look of the orcs. I think I may have to take a spin on the Horde side.
Seriously how pretty is that.  I loved all the zones in MoP and I'm super excited about this map also...  

16. More Legendary Quests. I really like the idea of legendary quests.  And once I got my cloak I felt so accomplished.  Overall I'm glad these quests will continue. I think it improves end game content. Just don't ask me how I feel about it while I'm actually working on the quests.

17. Major Overhaul to Class Abilities. Again, at first glance, this seems to simplify the game.  For the most part, spells are being removed. This makes sense for many spells, since the stats are also being changed so drastically.  Yes I'm a fan of not having clutter on my UI, but I also appreciate that the ability to use all the class spells or abilities at the right time in the right situation is the difference between an excellent raider and an OK raider, so I'm not in favor of this change as a whole.  How it will affect raiding and game play remains to be seen.  I'm trying to stay optimistic but honestly when i was reading the pally notes, I was just getting pissed off.  Seriously, stop taking my spells I like them.

18. Time Travel. Bleh. I'm not a fan of time travel story lines in general.  I think that the expansion overall will be fun to play, but I'm not really happy that we are time travelling.  I'm sure I'll have moments of nostalgia and moments of realization when I come across new content that gives me a better understanding of the World of Warcraft lore, but I'm also mentally preparing myself for all the time travel paradoxes (which is why I don't like time travel in the first place).

Of course all the new content is subject to change until the actual release, but I'm super hyped!

Let me know in the comments which changes you are more excited about and which changes piss you off.

If you want more info on the changes check out They have lots of forums and fun things to play with.  Also, check out YouTube: Trade Chat with Panser has some great videos that really break down some of the major changes

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