Monday, July 28, 2014


So today is day 7 of the 30 day challenge and I just wanted to give a little update.  So far, I'm going strong -  NO cheats!  I'm already tired of grilled chicken and brown rice, but I'm just gonna have to deal.  And I miss my morning coffee with creamer like crazy, but it gets easier every day.

I did my first weigh in 7 days ago (on day one). My starting weight was 142.6 and my starting body fat measurement was 23.8%.  It was a bit of a shock to see that body fat percentage. The last time I had it measured it was 20.5%.  Today, I did another set of measurements and  I'm down to 141.6 and 23.4% body fat!   Hell Yeah PROGRESS!

I'm still posting my meals on Instagram if you want to follow me and see what I'm eating.

I also have been managing my calories daily with the myfitnesspal app (follow the link if you want to try it out). I have my calories set up so I will not lose more than a pound a week.  So far I'm right on schedule.  As a rule, calorie counting is a huge pain in the ass, but it works if you do it correctly.  If you're looking for a good calorie counter app, I really like myfitnesspal. It is fairly accurate at calculating calories (I calculated my own and manually overrode the recommended amount).  The app allows you to search for practically any kind of food and you just enter it and it tracks calories and sugar and protein (and honestly more information than you need).  As long as you measure your food correctly the app will do the math for you. It even has a barcode scanner.

**NOTE: My meals are portioned based on my own body and my daily needs, which means they may not be the correct quantity of food for anyone else.  If you are interested in starting a diet plan please talk to your doctor first**

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